

So the chemo ended. Then there was the MRI. It turned out the tumor is almost undetectable. The surgeon's exam yielded the same, there was no apparent tumor. I was ecstatic with joy. They told me that it is not yet clear if they would have to do a total mastectomy. During the surgery they would send tissues to the lab and see if they need to remove all of the breast or only part of it. I was ok with both options as long as I get rid of it in the end. In fact I spent my days prior to the surgery thinking about this, testing myself, preparing myself to lose one of my breasts after I wake up. I didn't even think of the severity of the operation itself. Maybe it was better that way, I could do nothing by worrying.

Since they had found a nodule in my thyroid during my scans for breast cancer, they decided to remove my thyroid as well in the same operation.

So I was there on the table, the only pain so far was due to my veins being too tough and they had to try over and over to give me injections. Then I woke up.. It was hell on earth. I had this very strong burning pain in my armpit and breast, and a very bad sensation in my throat (due to the anesthesia tube I guess, and the thyroid operation maybe) I couldn't shout or speak. Tears started to go down my eyes due to pain. That state continued for half an hour maybe, until the strong painkillers kicked in but I thought it lasted for hours. There was also pain in my feet, my heels. Then I heard the operation took around 5 hours. They had to wait for the preliminary results from the lab for the tissues they sent which determined the scale of the operation. In the end they removed only part of my breast and all my lymph nodes. The pain in the feet was probably because the operation lasted so long.

I stayed 2 nights at the hospital, maybe only 1 day was enough. But the pain in one of my feet got worse at the end of 1st day, the orthopedist advised me not to get on my feet too much for the next week, they did some scans and found nothing serious. I spent the 2nd night with that pain, forgetting about the breast and armpit. Actually I didn't have much pain in those areas, except for the occasional abrupt pain caused by the drainage tube under my armpit. So overall, other than the first 30 min after the operation, pain is very tolerable. There is discomfort though, you cannot sleep well especially the first night, you are not very easy with your moves, but it goes away. 1 week after the surgery I was able to lead my normal life. I went out, did small walking routes. 2 weeks after the surgery, now, I am feeling much better.


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Chemobrain / Kemo kafasi