First post / Ilk yazim

First post / Ilk yazim (Turkce altta)

This is my first blog ever, in fact in retrospect I haven't even read one before.

So why start now?

At first I thought I should build a forum, where people with cancer, like me, can share their experiences. What I meant by that was not only the treatments and their effects but how small practical things like drawing an eyebrow-if that's what you want :)- can stop being an issue besides all the bigger stuff that we are already dealing with.

Then I browsed through the forums in my native tongue (which is Turkish) and after a few posts I got so depressed that I don't even want to look at that site anymore.

I know there is a lot going on, maybe I am one of the luckier ones with my type of diagnosis but reading about sorrows and death certainly doesn't help someone trying to recover. And since I couldn't think of a way to constantly monitor what people can and cannot post on a forum, I decided I can start a blog and maybe people read about my experience and share their thoughts.

I would have loved to find a solution to the forum problem though, so I would welcome any ideas to make it work until I can figure out one my own.

Bu benim ilk blog'um. Donup bakinca simdiye kadar hic blog okumamis da olabilirim.

O halde niye simdi basladim?

Ilk basta benim gibi kanser hastasi insanlarin tecrubelerini paylasabilecegi bir forum sitesi kurmak istemistim. Paylasim derken de sadece gordugumuz tedaviler ve etkileri degil ama dokulen kaslarimizin yerine kas cizmek gibi kucuk gundelik bir isin bile ugrastigimiz bir cok daha buyuk sorun arasinda bir zorluk haline gelmesini engelleyebilmekti niyetim.

Internetten Turkce forum siteleri bulmaya calistim. Okudukca moralim o kadar bozuldu ki o siteye bir daha adim atmadim.

Biliyorum, bir cok zorluk ve uzun sureclerden geciyoruz ve belki ben hastaligimin tipi nedeniyle sanslilardan biriyim ama acilar ve olumler hakkinda yazilar okumak kesinlikle tedavi olmama yardimci olmuyor. Bir forum sitesi kurarsam kullanicilarin ne yazip yazmayacagini surekli olarak izleyemeyecegim icin de bu blogta yasadiklarimi paylasmayi ve belki okuyucularin da fikirlerini paylasmak isteyecegini dusundum.

Forum problemime ben bir cozum bulana kadar onerilerinize acigim.


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Chemobrain / Kemo kafasi
