Psychologist / Psikolog

Psychologist / Psikolog (Turkce altta)

I had an appointment with the psychologist today. I had my doubts, because years ago I had been to one and hated the experience. I always resisted the idea ever since. However, with all that's going on with my life, and as a result of my friends' critisism of my prejudice, I thought I should try once more.

I have been to a psychiatrist who prescribed an antidepressant for my mild depression and xanax for my sleeplessness. But I knew my physiological reactions were rooted back to many years of painful experiences and memories related to cancer in my family.

The 1.5 hour session flew by. Mostly I talked, with the psychologist asking questions from time to time. It was good to even try to figure out what really makes me scared, and how I define being "healed" or "normal".Trying to discover the root cause of your fears may be very trivial but I am surprised when I discovered I hadn't thought about it. Once you identify what may be the cause, you begin to realize if you can or cannot control the outcomes or in other words if you can fight with them and there comes a moment of relief. I guess I was just in fear - I should admit I still am - in excess about things I should just be worried about maybe. The intensity should have been at the level of "worry" not "fear". I have been overreacting without knowing my enemy-the real thing I was running from.

I hope I can discover more further through the sessions. I am glad that I didn't give in to my stubborn thoughts that this practice was useless.
Bugun psikologla randevum vardi. Acikcasi gitmemek icin cok direndim. Yillar once denemis ve nefret etmistim. Hayatimda tum bu olup bitenler ve arkadaslarimin psikolog onyargimi elestirmesiyle birlikte bir kez daha denemeye karar verdim.

Psikiyatriste zaten gitmistim. Hafif depresyon teshisiyle antidepresan ve uykusuzluk cektigim icin xanax kullanmaya basladim. Ama yasadigim fizyolojik tepkilerin kaynaginin ailemde yillarca savastigimiz kanser hikayeleri ve bunlarla ikgili kotu anilar oldugunu dusunuyordum.

1,5 saatlik seans hemen bitiverdi. Psikolog arada sorular sordu ama cogunlukla ben konustum. Neden korktugumu anlamaya calismak veya kendimi ne olunca veya nasil hissedince "iyilesmis" ya da "normal" olacagimi dusunmek bile iyi geldi. Korkularinizin esas nedenini kesfetmek cok basit ve bahsetmeye deger degil gibi gelebilir, ben de daha onceden dusunmemis olduguma cok sasirdim. Nedeni dusunmeye basladiginizda sonuclari kontrol edip edemeyeceginizi ya da baska bir deyisle bu nedenle savasip savasamayacaginizi anlamaya basliyorsunuz. Iste o anda bir rahatlama geliyor. Sanirim sadece endiseli olmam gereken seyler karsisinda ben korku icindeydim - hala da icindeyim. Hislerimin siddeti "korku" degil "endise" olmaliydi. Neyle savastigimi, neden korktugumu bile bilmeden abartili bir tepki veriyordum.

Umarim ilerleyen seanslarda cok daha fazlasini kesfederim. Iyi ki bu bilmin yararsiz oldugu gibi inatci fikirlerimde diretmemisim.


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